Message in a Bottle
Week 7
I had washed up onto the shore of something major within my Self. I had tried reviving my soul with many 30-day quick fixes over years for a number of maladies I had wished to expunge. None of those cheap bandages could adequately soak up the amount of habit-blood that was demanded to make a real change. But 30 weeks, on the other hand, is proving to be a game changer for me. I am focusing on rifts in patterns of thinking, and have provided my Self with a certain spaciousness to make a meaningful change. 30 weeks! It is almost like, at this juncture, I find my Self on a deserted island without my phone, without pressures, and with all the resources that I could ever need to explore that which is blooming and beginning to form.
The collective consciousness or the societal group-think is an extremely influential entity. When I find that I am surrounded by a group of conscious Human Beings all thinking and worrying about the same thing, I feel an intense leash leading me into the same patterns of thought. For example, when I walk through my neighborhood and my neighbors say hello and subsequently follow those “niceties” with expressions of fear, anguish, and anxiety about, say, a coup attempt in the capital, I find my Self dragged in to that story and subseqently see to it that I learn as much as I possibly can about the event. This simple fact can lead to hours upon hours of scrolling and obsessing over stories that, honestly, I have nothing to do with. I am not rioting. That isn’t my cause or how I would personally go about enacting meaningful change, so why would I spend a chunk of my waking day obsessing over the storyline?
How can I separate my Self from business that has ZERO to do with me or the causes that I lend my intentions to? This is one key question that can make a world of a difference as I try whole-heartedly to curb my phone use and ultimately free my Mind.
I sat in contemplation. I watched the patterns of thought form within the circuitry of my muscle. The sun bleached my skin with radiant fire. I noticed a diamond floating towards me, a glimmer of something different. It was a glass bottle harboring within it a rolled up piece of parchment. Written on said parchment was a letter from a friend:
“David, I know where you are. I can hear your mind. I want you to know that some believe your path and patterns of thought to be unconventional, and that those whom you have known for so long may find you and your behavior threatening and ludicrous. I want you to know that I am so happy that you are on your island healing your Self. I accept you as David, my friend. I support you though I may not always agree. I honor you though I may not always be in the front row. Continue on knowing that you are loved, by at least one person, Me! I believe in you! Friend!”
A message in a bottle from a dear friend uncorked my soul and revealed a message in a bottle of my deepest intention.